Avian Resources
Avian Resources
Avian Disease Testing: What’s New and What’s Accurate
“Avian Disease Testing: What’s New and What’s Accurate” provides a list of some common tests for avian diseases.
Geriatric Parrot Syndromes
“The Geriatric Psittacine Patient” provides a list of common geriatric parrot syndromes.
Pediatric Psittacine Diseases
“Pediatric Psittacine Diseases” provides a list of common neonatal and juvenile parrot diseases.
Avian Polyomavirus
"Avian Polyomavirus" provides information on the disease that has taken a great toll on the avicultural industry in the U.S.
Cockatoo Prolapse Syndrome
"Cockatoo Prolapse Syndrome" provides information on the disease that is extremely common in adult cockatoos.
Macaw "Asthmas"
"Macaw 'Asthmas'" provides information on the disease that is a long recognized disorder in Macaws.
Macrorhabdus (Megabacteria)
"Macrorhabdus (Megabacteria)'" provides information on the yeast bacteria that affects many species of birds.
"Sarcocystosis'" provides information on the disease that affects Old World parrots.